Cardiac Films

All films related to cardiac issues and ward L51

Welcome to Ward L51
This film was made by some of the staff on Ward L51

Routine of the MRI
Cardiac MRI

When you arrive at the MRI you can wait in our waiting area.. While waiting, you can play/read play on your/an I Pad/book (if you would like to bring from home). You may be asked to wait until the scanner is ready for you.You/your child will then be measured and be asked to wear a gown.It’s important that you or your parent/carer does not have any metal in or on body.Please let your doctor know if that is the case. 1 parents or carer can come into the room with you, sit next to or behind youIn the room the MRI machine looks like a giant polo mint/tunnel.

You will need to lie still in the middle of the polo/MRI machine for up to 70 minutes.The machine does not touch or hurt you. While lying still with some head phoneson, you can listen to music but you may still be able to hear the sounds of the machine. The MRI machine will be very noisy and will sound like clanging going off and on again. You will be asked to have a cover/blanket over your body, this will not hurt but it may be heavy and will keep your body in the correct place for the pictures.

After the scan you can go home!!

Cardiac MRI

You may be asked to wait until the scanner is ready for you. It’s important that you or your parent/carer does not have any metal in or on body. Please let your doctor know if that is the case. 1 parent or carer can come into the room with you, sit next to or behind you You will then be measured and be asked to wear a gown.  Girls: You can wear a sports bra with no metal if you want. In the room the MRI machine looks like a giant polo mint/tunnel.

You will need to lie still in the middle of the polo for 30-60 minutes, during the scan. The machine does not touch or hurt you. The MRI machine will be very noisy and will sound like clanging going off and on again, a bit like loud roadworks. To protect ourears everyone in the room will wear headphones. While lying still, you can also listen to music but you will still be able to hear the sounds of the machine in the background. You will be asked to have a cover/blanket over your body, this will not hurt but it may be a little heavy. This is the camera that we use to take pictures.

We will also ask your child to hold their breath to take clear pictures. When breathing, the heart moves in the chest, which gives us blurry pictures (like when you try to take pictures of someone jumping on the trampoline).

After the scan you can go home!!

Ask your parents to help you to prepare by:

Practice laying still for up at least 30 minutes listening to music.
Practice holding their breath. How many seconds can you manage? At least 6 sec would be great.
Put some sheets on your chest while you practice.
Buy/borrow a tunnel to practise in.
Practise as much as possible!
Websites you can look at:
LCHTV - look at an MRI experience and other films on this page
MRI experience app children (noises the machine will make)

Coming Into Hospital For Heart Surgery
(Younger Children)

Coming Into Hospital For Heart Surgery
(Older Children)

Coming Into Hospital for a
Cardiac Catheter

What is PPE(Personal Protective Equipment)

Ablation - How the heart works - Plumbing & Electrics

Dr. Dom Hares explains how the heart works.

Ablation - Types of treatment

Dr. Dom Hares explains the possible treatment options available should their be a problem with your/your child's heart.

Ablation - The Procedure

Dr. Dom Hares talks us through the procedure.

Ablation - Benefits & Risks

Dr. Dom Hares takes us through the potential benefits and risks of having the procedure.

3 Simple exercises to build thigh muscles

Emma shows us 3 easy exercises to build up our thigh muscles after or during treatment.

3 Simple exercises to build leg muscle

Emma will now show us how to exercise the rest of out legs with different variations of workouts.

Working Heart Animation

Tetralogy of Fallot

Transition Your Journey

British Heart Foundation - Going To Uni With A Heart Condition a meet@teenheart film

Moving on

Childrens Heart Surgery - Tetralogy of Repairs