Navigation Page

These films will help you navigate from one place to another inside the hospital.

This film will take you from Martin Wing to the Place2be in Clarendon.

This film will take you from Ward L50 to the Dental Hospital

This will take you from Childrens A&E to the CAT Unit

This will take you from Clarendon Wing to CAT Unit

Clarendon Wing to Ward L49 and CSAL

This film will show you the way from the Clarendon Entrance to Ward L49 and CSAL

This will take you from A&E to Boots Pharmacy 

This will take you from A&E to Minor Illness Service X34

This will take you from Clarendon Wing to Children's Outpatients

Clarendon To PICU

This film will take you from the Clarendon entrance to PICU.

From Children's Outpatients to Ultrasound, X-Ray and MRI

Clarendon Entrance to the Prayer Room

Follow this film to take you from the entrence of Clarendon to the Prayer Room on B floor. 

Children's & Teenagers Haematology to
Oncology Day Unit &Children's MRI

From Jubilee Entrance to Children's MRI

Jubilee Entrance to PICU

Ward L52 to CT Scan

Ward L52 to MRI

Clarendon Entrance to 3T MRI