Play Specialist Films

Films made by or with the play specialists at the Leeds Children's Hospital

Having a Plaster Cast

Virtual reality use for procedures

MRI Pictures

If you would like to see some photos of the MRI scanner the Play Specialists have taken some photos for you to look at.

Audio Books

Books read by your play workers/specialist on your wards.

Brightside Music CIC

A selection of upbeat songs for all ages.
Brightside music take live musical interactions into hospital, healthcare and community settings. We work with participants to express themselves whatever their situation, creating a calm and positive atmosphere and offering an alternative means of communication. If you would like to see and hear more from Brightside Music CIC, click the more button below. You will also hear Brightside Music CIC on the app from 11.30 am - 12 every day.

This film shows children and give a little information regarding the Chemo duck teddy we give out on the oncology unit to children having a central line.


The Give A Duck Foundation is a children’s cancer charity, supporting local children who have been diagnosed with cancer throughout the UK.

This film is to give information and show children what an Nasogastric tube (NG Tube) is and the benefits of having one.

Cells in Your Body
This film is about the cells in your body and how they work.

Swallowing Tablets

In this video Tracey's explanation of Portacaths is followed by 2 patient videos; the first shows Charlie having his port accessed and the other shows Phoebe having hers de-accessed.

 Some MRI scans require breath holds
In this film Rachelle helps you practice holding your breath when you are having a MRI scan.

Rees Bear Has an Anaesthetic

This video includes text taken from the Royal College of Anaesthetists’ (RCoA) leaflet Rees Bear has an anaesthetic but the RCoA has not reviewed this as a whole. Illustrations by Amanda Lillywhite. © 2020 Royal College of Anaesthetists and Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

Play  Specialists
We hear all about the role of the Play specialists within Leeds Children's Hospital.

Introduction to the Liver Team

Beads of Courage

Joe's Liver Transplant Story

Having a MRI Scan

MRI Sounds

What is PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)?

Kidneys and Kidney Transplant

Charlie's Transplant Story

More Resources for Transplant Preparation

Play Specialist

Lisa explains the role of a Play Specialist.


Kevin Makes Friends in Hospital

Have you ever wondered what life is like for children who have to stay in hospital? This cartoon gives you a chance to catch up on Kevin and the new friends he makes.

Made by NHS Leeds West CCG in partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust