Welcome to The Ward
Tests, Scans & Procedures
Films about potential tests, scans & procedures you/your child might have while at Leeds Children's Hospital.
Patient Stories & Experiences
Films featuring the patients themselves, sharing their experiences of hospital and or their health condition.
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) Youth Work Navigators are a dedicated team, experienced and trained in identifying, supporting and engaging hard to reach young people.
The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award scheme
In February 2021, in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic and national UK lockdown, two intrepid LTHT youth workers set about planning and developing the first hospital led Duke of Edinburgh bronze award scheme..
Preparing To Come Into Hospital
Meet The Team
A chance to meet some of the team that you might meet during your visit/stay at Leeds Children's Hospital.
Healthcare Transition
Films explaining what transition from children's services to adult services could mean for you. The films focus on the experiences of patients and families as well as hearing the professionals.
Play Specialists Page
Youth Forum
Films all about Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust's (LTHT) Youth Forum who are a group of young people who help to advise professionals on how services and the environment at Leeds Teaching Hospitals could be improved to meet the needs of all Children and young people.
Video Booth
Children's Events
Films showcasing how important it is to practise good hand hygiene whilst visiting Leeds Children's Hospital.